
Finding Your Correct Alignment, Stance, and Posture

1. In the preparation stage, the first thing you need is a neutral grip, with the V of the left hand pointing to the position behind the chin.

2. Stand with your feet in an open position, with your feet at an Angle of 10 to 15 degrees from the target line, keep your crotch and shoulder parallel to the target, and your center of gravity should on your left foot.

3. Keep the head above the ball, swing center and hands in front of the ball, close to the target, the ball should be placed near the left foot, and the club face should be perpendicular to the target.

4, Swing stage, your shoulder and arm should move with club synchronously when you need to swing back, do not shift your body’s center of gravity, and the crotch should be fixed, keep the two arm action unchanged, swing need to maintain the amplitude of the same.

5. On your finish, the crotch should follow the arm to the direction of the target with a small degree of torsion, the center of gravity should also be kept in your left foot, the chest should turn to the direction of the target, the shoulder should be fully rotated, the rod should be fully sent, the club face should remain perpendicular to the target line, and the wrist Angle should be also fixed.

In golf, you need to practice your swing with a goal. You need to practice from close to far, depending on the size of the upper club. Choose 5, 10, 15, 20, and 50 yards.

Post time: Feb-15-2023